
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Sixth week

Most of us who were there would agree that this week was a bit of a mess. We did not define the topic clearly enough and so we were never really clear in our question. That's not to say it wasn't interesting, however it was a little like someone unfurling a ball of wool and claiming they were going to produce a jumper, only to have (rather predictably) a big pile of wool that looked nothing like a jumper. The previous week we made a jumper, it was a bloody awesome jumper. We were very pleased with our jumper. This week, no jumper.  Lesson (that I should have bloody learnt by now):  Without a clear question we don't have a clear objective.  (Person 1) made the observation: current crisis of meaninglessness consuming this generation is a result of the Baby Boomers.  We defined Baby Boomers: (Good) So we recognised that the Baby Boomers are the generation that were born either towards the end of the Second World War or just after. The typical idea about t...